GPA Calculator

To use the GPA calculator, total the number of hours you received for each letter grade. For example, if you had two 3 semester hour courses of A, you would enter 6 in the total hours column.

Grades Total Hours Grade Weight Grade Points Weighted Grade Scale Deficit Points
4 +2
3 +1
2 0
1 -1
0 -2
Total Points Total Deficit


Deficit Point Calculation Heading link

Deficit points are used by the College as a measure of a student’s academic standing and to help academic advisors assist students in their efforts to get off probation. Each deficit point is equivalent to 1 credit hour of a letter grade of B. For every negative point, you will need to earn 1 credit hour with a grade of B in order to reach a 2.00 GPA.

Total the number of hours you received for each letter grade. For example, if you had three 3 semester hour courses of A, you would enter 9 in the hours column.