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Faculty Awards & Research Support

Faculty investiture
Award Name Nominator Eligibility College Deadline Campus Deadline Announcement
Teaching Recognition Program: (TRP) Self nomination only Tenured, tenure-track, and clinical faculty as well as others with a demonstrated long-term commitment to teaching at UIC (such as lecturers, instructors, and adjuncts). See Guidelines for full details. N/A September 11, 2024- Intent to Apply --Full application due October 11, 2024- Application due March (tentative)
UIC Distinguished Professor Department, college or individual faculty members Faculty who have made a significant impact upon their field through scholarship, creativity and leadership January 17, 2025 TBD: Mid-February 2025 Mid-Summer
UIC Award for Excellence in Teaching Nominations begin at department level; vote by department advisory committee Tenured and tenure-track faculty with full-time appointments. Must have taught at UIC for ten years. January 17, 2025 TBD: Mid-February 2025 Mid-Summer
University Scholar Award Most often departmental executive officer (confidential) Outstanding faculty members who have demonstrated superior performance in scholarly activities in both research and teaching and who show great promise for future achievements. January 17, 2025 TBD: Mid-February 2025 Mid-Summer
Faculty Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award Faculty, staff, or students. Self-nominations are accepted. Full-time faculty (Professor through Instructor), who are in a clinical, pre-clinical, research, or administrative area and who are based at UIC/UIH or a UIC-affiliated hospital or institution and have been employed at UIC a minimum of two years. Three (3) weeks prior to campus due date to request a Dean's Office letter of Support TBD: Early spring semester 2025 TBD
Community Engagement Award Faculty, staff, community partners or students. Self-nominations are accepted. Full-time faculty (Instructor through Professor), who are in a clinical, pre-clinical, research, or administrative area, and who are based at UIC/UIH or a UIC-affiliated hospital or institution and have been employed at UIC a minimum of two years. Three (3) weeks prior to campus due date to request a Dean's Office letter of Support TBD: Early spring semester 2025 TBD
Piergiorgio L.D. Uslenghi Global Engagement Faculty & Emerging Leader Faculty Awards Tenured, non-tenured, non-tenure track faculty members who have not received the GEFA previously. Self-nominations or nominations by current or former UIC colleagues. Three (3) weeks prior to campus due date to request a Dean's Office letter of Support TBD: Early spring semester 2025 TBD
LAS Diversity Initiative Award Program Members of LAS Faculty, students, or staff within the college. Note: Please check back in January 2024 for updated Guidelines. TBD April 2025 N/A N/A
LAS Distinguished Professor Award Any faculty member with at least 50% in LAS, needs EO endorsement Tenured faculty with 50% in LAS March 14, 2025 N/A April
LAS Faculty Service Award Faculty or staff in LAS Tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty with 50% in LAS March 14, 2025 N/A April
UIC Scholarship Support Program Self nomination Tenure system faculty N/A Rolling Ongoing
U of I System: Expanding the Impact of the Arts and the Humanities Faculty Faculty from across the U of I's three universities. TBD TBD TBD
Research and Scholarship Award Competition Anyone from the UIC community who is knowledgeable about a successful UIC researcher / scholar. All faculty (i.e. tenured, tenure-track, research-track, clinical-track, including research assistant professors) with a full-time appointment at UIC Three (3) weeks prior to campus due date to request a Dean's Office letter of Support TBD: December, 2024 March