Course Request System (CRS) Heading link

Creating, eliminating, or making any kind of change to an existing course is accomplished through the Course Request System (CRS). This includes changes to course title or number, prerequisites, credit hours, course format (e.g. “lecture-discussion”), course descriptions, etc. Requests for general education classification are also submitted through CRS.

Key Course Policies Heading link

Permanent and Temporary Cross-Lists Heading link

Rules applying to all cross-lists:

  • No more than three course subjects can be assigned to a single course (the controlling subject/number and one or two non-controlling).
  • Courses must be at the same level (i.e., two 300-level courses could be cross-listed but a 300-level could not be cross-listed with a 400-level).
  • Cross-listed courses may count toward applicable programs regardless of the subject code (rubric) under which the student registered.

Course Repetition & Banner-enforced Registration Restrictions Heading link

General Education Classification Heading link

Requests that a course count toward a particular general education category are initiated through CRS. There is an approved set of “General Education Learning Outcomes” (GELOs) that define each of the six general education categories: Analyzing the Natural World, Exploring World Cultures, Understanding the Creative Arts, Understanding the Individual and Society, Understanding the Past, and Understanding US Society.

To be approved for one of these categories, the course information provided in CRS must make clear even to a non-specialist that the course will satisfy at least one of GELOs for the chosen category. Courses may be submitted for consideration toward one or two categories, though two are only approved if they are equally represented and reflected in the course information provided.

Maximizing the CRS form for gen ed requests (tips and suggestions compiled by the Office of Academic Programs and LAS Student Academic Affairs)