Tools & Resources
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Student & Course Enrollment Data
Each unit has two Box folders with data related to students and courses in that unit:
- “(Department name)_LAS Data Share” – Contains sub-folders with current and historical data on course enrollment, enrolled students, and degrees awarded.
- “(Department name)_LAS Data Share FERPA Protected.” – Data about individual students. Access to these folders is strictly limited to the EO and DUS, and prior completion of FERPA training is required. More information about student record privacy can be found here.
Additional course data is available on Tableau.
Authorization: EOs approve staff for access to their departmental folders. Departmental users are responsible for letting Brian Roessler or Connie Zdenek know if someone’s access should be removed. In general, new EOs and DUSes will be added to the accounts at the beginning of the academic year or when the Dean’s office has been notified of the public change.
Website & Communication
- LAS Marketing & Communication Office – includes LAS social media and PR information, UIC logos and brand standards, website support, etc.
- LAS Guide for Using RED
- Webtools Skin Designer for Email+: Using the Illinois Web Theme
Information Technology
Survey Platforms