Commencement FAQ
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What is the difference between Commencement and Graduation?
Commencement is a ceremony students may participate in for the purpose of celebrating the completion of an academic degree program. Commencement is held annually in May and December for students who graduated during the preceding term.
Graduation occurs when the student has completed all of his or her requirements and is awarded a degree. Graduation can occur during any semester. Attendance at Commencement is not required for graduation.
Who can participate in the spring 2024 Commencement ceremony?
Only students who have filed their intent to graduate and who have been certified to complete their degree requirements in spring 2024 are eligible to participate in the 2024 Spring Commencement ceremony. Students who will be enrolled in any number of credit hours during summer 2024 or beyond may not participate; instead, they will be invited to a future ceremony which corresponds to their term of graduation.
Due to the size of our graduating class and to ensure that we do not issue tickets that go unused, we are guaranteeing only four guest tickets to each graduate. All tickets will be electronically available to students. Graduates may request additional tickets closer to the date of the ceremony, more information about the availability of extra tickets is forthcoming. For questions about degree progress, please make an appointment with your LAS academic advisor.
What do I need to do to participate in Commencement?
After submitting an Intent to Graduate for spring 2024, students must also register for the Commencement ceremony in order to participate. All eligible students receive a personalized invitation (to their UIC email address) with a registration code for Marching Orders, the registration platform. Due to the size of our graduating class and to ensure that we do not issue tickets that go unused, we are guaranteeing only four guest tickets to each graduate. All tickets will be electronically available to students. Graduates may request additional tickets closer to the date of the ceremony, more information about the availability of extra tickets is forthcoming. Students who do not register will not be accommodated. Further instructions for the day of the ceremony and about guest tickets will be sent via email to those who have registered. Students will receive an email with the unique registration link. Registration opens on March 4, the deadline to register is April 7, 2024.
If I filed an Intent to Graduate Form/Pending Degree List Form, do I still have to register to attend the commencement ceremony?
YES! Only eligible students who have registered through Marching Orders (individualized links are sent to eligible students via their UIC email) may participate in the ceremony. In addition, this is the only way to secure tickets for guests. The registration deadline for eligible graduates is April 7, 2024.
I didn’t receive an email invitation. Can I still participate in Commencement?
Email invitations to Commencement are sent to eligible students in early March. If you submitted your intent to graduate and believe that you should be eligible to participate in the Spring 2024 commencement ceremony you may email
Is there a fee to participate in Commencement?
No. However, all graduates are required to purchase their own cap and gown. Caps and gowns are available for purchase in Follet, the UIC Campus Bookstore. Cap and gowns cannot be purchased on the day of graduation. Only those with correct academic attire are permitted to participate. Tassels are to be worn to the front right of the cap before the ceremony. When degrees are conferred, graduates will be instructed to switch them to the left side.
Am I required to attend Commencement to receive my diploma?
No. Diplomas will be mailed to you 3 – 4 months after your graduation is certified. Only diploma covers, not diplomas, are distributed at Commencement.
Is there a rehearsal?
No. Please follow all of the instructions on the Day-of-Commencement page for information on what to expect on the day of the ceremony.
Are tickets required for the Commencement ceremony?
Graduates are guaranteed an assigned seating ticket with their registration and do not need a separate ticket.
All guests sitting in the audience will need a ticket to gain entrance to the Credit Union 1 Arena. Tickets are required for all guests over the age of 1 year.
Tickets are reserved via Marching Order at the time of online registration. Due to the size of our graduating class and to ensure that we do not issue tickets that go unused, we are guaranteeing only four guest tickets to each graduate. All tickets will be electronically available to students via Marching Order. Graduates may request additional tickets closer to the date of the ceremony, more information about the availability of extra tickets is forthcoming. Tickets cannot be purchased at the Credit Union 1 Arena on the day of the event (or before).
How do I reserve tickets for the ceremony?
Eligible Students will receive an email with the unique registration link via Marching Order. Registration opens on March 4, the deadline to register is April 7, 2024.
Due to the size of our graduating class and to ensure that we do not issue tickets that go unused, we are guaranteeing only four guest tickets to each graduate. All tickets will be electronically available to students. Graduates may request additional tickets closer to the date of the ceremony, more information about the availability of extra tickets is forthcoming.
How many tickets do I get for Commencement?
Due to the size of our graduating class and to ensure that we do not issue tickets that go unused, we are guaranteeing only four guest tickets to each graduate. Graduates may request additional tickets closer to the date of the ceremony, more information about the availability of extra tickets is forthcoming.
Is there a way to obtain or purchase extra tickets?
No. There is no charge for ceremony guest tickets, and UIC will never sell any extras. The number of seats at the Credit Union 1 Arena is limited, and we need to accommodate all students and their guests. No tickets can be purchased at the venue.
Where are tickets picked up?
All eligible students who have registered for the commencement ceremony (via Marching Orders) receive instructions on how to register for guest tickets. All tickets are issued to the graduate electronically. Tickets are available only to graduates who have reserved them. Tickets cannot be purchased at the Credit Union 1 Arena.
Do infants or children need tickets?
No. Tickets are required for all guests over the age of 1 year.
How long will the ceremony last?
Approximately 2 hours.
I am a graduating student. What time should I arrive for the ceremony?
Doors open at the Credit Union 1 Arena 8:30 a.m. After checking in students are to find their seats with their major and are to be seated by 9:50 a.m. See the Day-of-Commencement page for more information.
Who can ask if I have questions on the day of the event?
Staff is available to assist all graduates at Gate 2 of the Credit Union 1 Arena.
What time can my guests begin to arrive?
Credit Union 1 Arena doors open at 8:30 a.m. The ceremony will start promptly at 10:00 a.m.
Who do I contact if I or my guests require special accommodations?
Contact the Credit Union 1 Arena at (312) 413-5700 or email
Are there items my guests and I cannot bring into the Credit Union 1 Arena?
Yes. The Credit Union 1 Arena has limited and prohibited certain items from being brought into the venue. Please refer to the venue’s FAQ for full details. Metal detectors will be in use at the Arena. For questions about these policies, please contact the Credit Union 1 Arena at 312-413-5700 or email
Will I be able to obtain copies of the photographs taken of me during the ceremony?
Yes. Within 2 to 3 days following the ceremony, the photographs will be posted online and can be accessed via the following webpage by entering the last name of the graduate and the Commencement year: You will also receive proofs and order forms from the photography company to both the mailing and email addresses you provided on the Attendance Reservation Form within 2 to 7 days following the ceremony. If you have any questions or need assistance, you can call the photography company’s customer service department at (800) 261-2576.
Will I be able to obtain a video of Commencement?
Recordings of previous ceremonies can be found on the UIC Commencement website.
How do I qualify for Latin Honors?
Latin Honors are awarded to graduating students based on UIC grade point average. Students eligible for Latin Honors will receive an email notification from the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs. Please see this page for more information on how to qualify. Please note that because spring 2022 grades will not yet be posted at the time of the Commencement ceremony, the determination of Latin Honors for potential Spring graduates will be based on grades reported through the end of the term prior to graduation. UIC will reserve the right to make permanent adjustments to the list of students receiving Latin Honors based on final UIC grade point average information.
Where do I pick up my honor cord?
Information available closer to the event.
What color will my honor cord be?
Summa cum laude honorees will be distinguished with gold cords, magna cum laude honorees will be distinguished with silver cords, and cum laude honorees will be distinguished with bronze cords. Those who have been recognized for service and/or leadership awards will wear a red cord.
What color will my tassel be?
If you are receiving a Bachelor of Science, it will be gold. If you are receiving a Bachelor of Arts, it will be white.
What side of my cap does the tassel go on?
Tassels are to be worn to the front-right of the cap prior to the ceremony. When degrees are conferred, graduates will be instructed to switch them to the left-side.
I am a doctoral student can I attend both the Graduate Colleges Hooding Ceremony and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Commencement Ceremony?
Yes, LAS doctoral graduates may register for and then attend both the Graduate College hooding ceremony and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences commencement ceremony. However, due to time restrictions, hooding will only take place at the Graduate College hooding ceremony on Friday May 3, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the UIC Forum. Information regarding the Graduate College hooding ceremony will be forthcoming. For questions contact
Who should I contact with questions about my diploma or to update the address my diploma will be sent to?
Contact the Office of Registration and Records at (312) 996-4381.
Who do I contact if I or my guests require special accommodations?
Contact the Credit Union 1 Arena at (312) 413-5700 or email
Who do I contact if I have additional questions that were not answered on the website or FAQ page?