New Student Advising & Registration

Congratulations on joining the UIC and LAS community!
We are excited to welcome you to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. We know you are ready to take your first steps on your UIC journey and we are here to help. New Student Advising and Registration looks a little different for new first-year students and transfer students, please use the corresponding tabs below to navigate to your next steps.
Generally, New Student Advising and Registration offers:
- An introduction to a LAS academic advisor who will support you throughout your time as an LAS student
- An opportunity to better understand placement test results
- An opportunity to receive first-semester course recommendations
- Support registering for your first semester classes (for First-Year students) or assurance that your course registrations are correct (for Transfer students)
First-Year Students Preparation Checklist Heading link
Incoming first-year students are required to participate in the LAS New Student Advising and Registration program before registering for courses. Be sure to complete required placement tests as soon as possible to be able to sign up for New Student Advising and Registration. Please follow all of the steps outlined below.
1. Activate Your Portal Account and Log in
Prior to taking placement tests or registering for classes in, you are required to activate your portal account.
First Time Users:
- Visit
- Select “Activate your NetID” under the “Instructions Login” portlet
Existing Users:
- Visit
- Select “Login” under the “Instructions Login” portlet
2. Take Required Placement Tests
Placement tests are required in certain subjects. You will be unable to register for New Student Advising and Registration without first taking placement tests in English, Math, and for some students, Chemistry and Physics. The Chemistry placement test is only required if Chemistry is needed for your major or Educational Goal. The Physics placement test is only required for students who intend on taking calculus-based physics. Additional placement testing information is enclosed in the packet sent to you by the Office of Admissions.
To take tests:
- Log into
- Select “UIC Connect” tab
- Review My Progress tasks
- Select “Determine Required Placement Tests”
- Take time to accurately respond to questionnaire
- If required, take appropriate placement tests
To view test results, once available:
- Log into
- Select “UIC Connect” tab
- Review My Progress tasks
- Select “Determine Required Placement Tests”
- Select the “View Available Test Results” button
- To understand your placement test results, visit here.
It is recommended that you take the necessary placement tests as soon as possible.
3. Schedule Your New Student Advising and Registration Session
After your placement test results are available through UIC Connect, may you sign up for a New Student Advising and Registration session.
The session will be comprised of:
- A brief large group presentation
- A small group advising conversation with opportunities to connect individually with your advisor
- Registration for your first semester at UIC
- Peer support throughout registration
Register for your New Student Advising and Registration session through UIC Connect:
- Log into
- Select “UIC Connect” tab
- Review “My Progress” tasks
- Select “Sign up for New Student Advising”
We will send you a confirmation and a reminder email, but be sure to keep track of the date, time, and location for yourself as well. We cannot wait to meet you and help you get registered for your first semester of classes as a UIC Flame!
4. Send Final Transcripts from Previous Institutions and/or AP/IB scores, if applicable
Having record of final transcripts and/or exam scores will assist your academic advisor when reviewing your course selection at Orientation and help you to avoid accidental duplication of coursework.
Send official transcripts and score reports to UIC Admissions. For more information on the specifics of sending each specific type of record/credit, visit
This should include currently in-progress courses and final grades for all completed college-level work.
5. Review Online Resources to Help You Prepare for Course Registration
Preparing for Course Registration and– This page provides many additional resources, including: UIC Undergraduate Catalog, XE Registration, information about pre-professional requirements, how to access and read your degree audit, and much more!
Transferology: – This online tool will help you view course equivalencies and tell you how college-level courses you have taken elsewhere will transfer to UIC.
iTransfer: – The Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) is a statewide agreement for participating colleges and universities in Illinois. It also provides information about how the courses you have taken elsewhere will transfer to UIC.
6. Sign up for and attend Orientation
Lastly, register for your on-campus Orientation programming. These sessions will include a welcome to UIC, presentations on important topics related to your UIC experience, transition sessions to assist in your acclimation and on-boarding to UIC, a chance to follow up on any academic advising questions/concerns, and a chance to make connections with other new students, staff, and campus administrators. To register for your In-Person Orientation:
- Log into
- Select “UIC Connect” tab
- Review My Progress tasks
- Select “Orientation Reservation”
If you have additional questions about Orientation, please see the New Student Orientation website or email
7. Learn more and continue preparing for your first term at UIC!
After you’ve attended your New Student Advising and Registration appointment with an advisor and attended New Student Orientation, you can continue to prepare for your time at UIC as you are able.
Check out our Post New Student Advising Checklist, which has some helpful information, dates and deadlines, and resources.
Please consult the admissions packet for details on campus housing, tuition and fees, student health insurance, and financial aid.
Familiarize yourself with LAS by visiting
Transfer Student Preparation Checklist Heading link
Incoming transfer students are eligible to register for courses starting on mid-to-late April 21, 2025. For the best course selection, it is strongly recommended that you register for courses as soon as possible. Please do not wait until speaking with an academic advisor to register for classes. You can book an individual appointment with an advisor, and there they will make recommendations based on your enrollments and ensure you are enrolled in the correct courses for your major, plan, and credits.
1. Activate Your Portal Account and Log in
Prior to taking placement tests or registering for classes in, you are required to activate your portal account.
First Time Users:
- Visit
- Select “Activate your NetID” under the “Instructions Login” portlet
Existing Users:
- Visit
- Select “Login” under the “Instructions Login” portlet
2. Take Required Placement Tests
Placement tests are required in certain subjects. Testing information was enclosed in the packet sent to you by the Office of Admissions.
Having test results will assist you and your LAS academic advisor in planning your first semester course schedule. If you fail to take required placement tests, you will find yourself unable to register for courses you may need in your first semester.
To take tests:
- Log into
- Select “UIC Connect” tab
- Review My Progress tasks
- Select “Determine Required Placement Tests”
- Take time to accurately respond to questionnaire
- If required, take appropriate placement tests
To view test results, once available:
- Log into
- Select “UIC Connect” tab
- Review My Progress tasks
- Select “Determine Required Placement Tests”
- Select the “View Available Test Results” button
- To understand your placement test results, visit here for transfer students and here for readmit students.
3. Review Online Resources to Help You with Course Registration
Preparing for Course Registration:– This page provides many additional resources, including: UIC Undergraduate Catalog, XE Registration, information about pre-professional requirements, how to access and read your degree audit, and much more!
UIC’s Transfer Assistance Center: –This resource center provides assistance, counseling and helpful information to newly admitted transfer students that we hope will be helpful in making a successful transition to UIC.
Transferology: – This online tool will help you view course equivalencies and tell you how the courses you have taken transfer to UIC.
iTransfer: – The Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) is a statewide agreement for participating colleges and universities in Illinois. It also provides information about how the courses you have taken transfer to UIC.
LAS: – Familiarize yourself with LAS and the many opportunities that are available to you.
4. Send Final Transcripts from Previous Institutions and/or AP/IB scores, if applicable
Having record of final transcripts and/or exam scores will assist your academic advisor when reviewing your course selection and help you to avoid accidental duplication of coursework.
Send official transcripts and score reports to UIC Admissions. For more information on the specifics of sending each specific type of record/credit, visit
This should include currently in-progress courses and final grades for all completed college-level work.
5. Review your Degree Audit
Your degree audit will provide you with an assessment of the coursework that you are transferring in to UIC. This report will aid you in determining how your credit has transferred to UIC and how it applies toward your area of study and overall degree.
To access your Degree Audit:
- Log into
- Select “Student” tab
- Select “Degree Audit”
- Select “Request Audit”
- Choose the audit you want to run
- If you want to run your currently declared major, select “Run Declared Programs”
- If you do not have a declared major or want to see the requirements for another major, choose “Select a Different Program,” and enter the information in the drop-down menus
- Select “Run Different Program”
- On the next page, wait a few seconds (up to thirty) and an audit will appear. Select the “View Audit” button when it appears. You may need to click on “Update” to load the audit before opening it.
A red X indicates that a category still needs to be fulfilled. These are categories you should focus on as you register for courses for the upcoming term.
A blue IP indicates that a category is being completed with in progress coursework.
A green check mark indicates that a category has been completed.
6. Register for Classes
After activating your portal account, you should begin registering for classes after April 21, 2025 for Fall 2025 semester.
It is important to understand that when you register for classes you are responsible for your choices and the eventual financial obligation to pay all assessed tuition and fees. Students have through the second Friday in the fall and spring semester to add/drop/swap classes before tuition and fees are assessed.
To Register for Courses:
- Log into
- Review “Welcome” tab
- Select “XE Registration/View Classes”
- Select “Register for Classes”
- Select “Term” and select “Continue”
- Complete Registration Agreement
For additional step-by-step instructions on how to register:
For assistance with the registration process, call or e-mail the Registration Help Line at 312-996-8600 or
7. Sign up for an Advising Appointment
At LAS, you have a team of advisors working together to support you. As an incoming transfer student, you have unique needs and experience. As such, it may make more sense for you to meet with a LAS General Advisor first or it may more more sense to meet with a LAS Major Advisor first. To determine who you should meet with, please complete the steps in your UIC Connect tab.
- Log into
- Select “UIC Connect” tab
- Review My Progress tasks
- Select “Sign up for New Student Advising”
You will receive an email notifying you of how to book with either your LAS General or LAS Major advisor. Please allow 1-2 business days to pass before attempting to book this appointment, as we need to assign your advisor. Please note: appointments begin in early summer (specific date coming soon). For step by step instructions on how to book your appointment, watch this video.
Additionally, we maintain our calendar appointments three weeks in advance. If you do not see an appointment that works in your schedule, make sure you are booking no further than three weeks in advance. If you are experiencing issues with booking, please email
We can’t wait to connect with you!
8. Sign up for and attend Orientation
Lastly, register for your on-campus Orientation programming. These sessions will include a welcome to UIC, presentations on important topics related to your UIC experience, transition sessions to assist in your acclimation and on-boarding to UIC, a chance to follow up on any academic advising questions/concerns, and a chance to make connections with other new students, staff, and campus administrators. To register for your In-Person Orientation:
- Log into
- Select “UIC Connect” tab
- Review My Progress tasks
- Select “Orientation Reservation”
If you have additional questions about Orientation, please see the New Student Orientation website or email
10. Continue preparing for your first term at UIC!
After you’ve attended your New Student Advising and Registration appointment with an advisor and attended New Student Orientation, you can continue to prepare for your time at UIC as you are able.
Check out our Post New Student Advising Checklist, which has some helpful information, dates and deadlines, and resources.