In the Classroom

Policies Heading link

The Registrar’s website has excellent resources regarding deadlines, forms, and instructions for grading. This includes the full Faculty Grading Manual, as well as:


Student Academic Grievance Policy

Applies to instances in which a student wishes to appeal an academic decision or action (for example, grading) and wishes to seek redress. This process does not apply to grievances arising from a fellow student’s actions or alleged disciplinary misconduct.

Before filing a formal grievance, UIC’s expectation is that the Student has made a sincere attempt to resolve their Academic Complaint with the Respondent (typically Instructor), except for Academic Complaints that include allegations of unlawful discrimination or sexual misconduct, where an attempt at informal resolution is not required. The informal process with the Respondent should be documented in writing.

In the event that a resolution is not found, and the Student chooses to pursue the Formal Grievance Process, this documentation should be sent to Rosie Hernández, Administrative Officer for this process in LAS. The Formal Grievance Process must be initiated with the Administrative Officer within 40 days from the time that the Student was notified of the decision being grieved.

Any complaints that include allegations of discrimination or bias should be sent directly to the Office of Access and Equity, copying Rosie Hernández. Any complaints that include allegations of sexual misconduct should be sent to UIC’s Title IX Coordinator in the Office for Access and Equity.

Disability Accommodations

UIC Disability Accommodation Policy: UIC is committed to making reasonable accommodation in order to provide equal opportunity to students with disabilities to the college experience. In order to receive academic and/or campus accommodations, students are responsible to self-identify as a person with a disability and request reasonable accommodations.

Students should direct their requests for reasonable accommodation to the UIC Disability Resource Center (DRC). After completing an interactive and iterative intake process, the DRC will document the accommodations determined to be reasonable and appropriate in a Letter of Accommodation.

Once in receipt of a Letter of Accommodation, a student’s instructor will implement accommodations as applicable in their program or course. An official Letter of Accommodation may be created at any time during the semester, but instructors and academic programs are only obligated to implement accommodations going forward from receipt of the letter, i.e. not retroactively.


Pregnancy Accommodations

UIC Policy: Pregnant students have rights to reasonable accommodations under Title IX. To request pregnancy- or postpartum-related accommodations, students should contact the Title IX Coordinator at or 312-996-8670.


Religious Accommodations

UIC Religious Accommodation Policy: The faculty of the University of Illinois Chicago shall make every effort to avoid scheduling examinations or requiring that student projects be turned in or completed on religious holidays.  Students who wish to observe their religious holidays shall notify the faculty member by the tenth day of the semester of the date when they will be absent unless the religious holiday is observed on or before the tenth day of the semester. In such cases, the students shall notify the faculty member at least five days in advance of the date when they will be absent. See here for additional caveats, religious calendars, and guidance for instructors.



Academic misconduct encompasses many behaviors, but the core idea is when a student chooses any action one might construe as “an unfair or undeserved academic advantage”, they undermine their learning, their goals, and their relationships within the UIC community.


Syllabus Policy & Course Design Resources Heading link

UIC requires that all courses have a syllabus. For the 2024 Higher Learning Commission re-accreditation process, reviewers will look for transparency, consistency across the curriculum, and alignment with UIC policies.

Starting Fall 2023, all syllabi must fully comply with the UIC Syllabus Policy and Higher Learning Commission guidelines and expectations. LAS has created some resources to facilitate compliance. See the LAS Teaching Excellence website for further details, a compliance checklist, and optional compliant syllabus templates.





  • LAS EPC Guidelines – approved detailed guidelines for creating online courses. Consult these guidelines if you are planning on creating an online course.
  • CATE Syllabus Toolkit for Synchronous Online Courses
  • CATE Syllabus Toolkit for Asynchronous Online Courses
  • Best Practices for Asynchronous Discussions – a useful guide for creating engaging asynchronous discussions from Bryn Mawr College.

UIC definitions of available course modalities can be found here. The format for each class section should be determined during the scheduling “pre-proof” process. Once registration begins, the modality should not be changed. In exceptional circumstances, approval can be sought from LAS Academic Affairs.

  • Inclusive Teaching Toolkit – resources provided by the Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence to help instructors create a diverse and accessible student-centered classroom.
  • Social Justice Education Resources – helpful resources for creating inclusive and equitable teaching practices and curriculum.
  • Drop-In Hours Guide – a guide of best practices and outreach strategies to encourage students, foster a sense of belonging, and enhance academic achievement.
  • Disability Resource Center
    • Accessible Teaching Guide – a guide of best practices to create an accessible and inclusive online class that meets the various needs of students with disabilities.

Center for Academic Teaching Excellence (CATE)

UIC Instructional Design Services (IDS)