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LAS General Education Teaching Resources

Students studying.

The General Education Core provides students with a breadth of exposure to academic disciplines, teaching a range of literacies and competencies across fields of study.

Students gain exposure to different ways of knowing, learning, and acting in the world, a foundation that can be leveraged to create academic and professional opportunities and promote social responsibility.

Faculty and Teaching Assistants can play a pivotal role in promoting the value of the Gen Ed Core, strengthening students' engagement with the topics examined in Gen Ed courses. Faculty can explicitly connect the dots for students between the objectives of the Gen Ed Category and the content of their specific Gen Ed course.

  • COMMUNICATE the CONNECTION(S) between the Gen Ed Learning Outcomes and your specific course in the syllabus.

  • REINFORCE throughout the semester the relationship between the Gen Ed learning objectives and your course-specific topics and assessments.

  • FOCUS on present and future RELEVANCE. Remind students how the concepts, competencies, literacies, and skills taught in your Gen Ed course are relevant to and necessary for success in their major (regardless of the field of study), career preparation, and their development as informed and engaged citizens.

General Education Learning Outcomes Heading link

 Gen Ed Learning Outcomes Interactive Dashboard

The Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs and Academic Programs makes available a Tableau site where faculty can search for their specific course’s approved general education learning outcomes.

Include your course-specific general education learning outcomes in your syllabus and integrate these into the design of your course.

Only UIC faculty have access to the site. Please log into the UIC server when attempting to access the Interactive Dashboard.

The Student Perspective: Why Gen Ed? What competencies do I gain? Heading link

In an effort to better communicate the academic value of and competencies gained from Gen Ed coursework, we have designed the LAS General Education Core website for students. Consider using a similar approach tailored to your specific Gen Ed course in your syllabus and communication plan with your students.

LAS General Education Core Website

Gen Ed Syllabus and Course Design Resources Heading link

LAS Teaching Excellence Resources Website Heading link

Want to look at additional resources? The LAS Teaching Resources Website provides information and ideas for course design beyond the Gen Ed core.