LAS News

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WGN Radio Interviews Economics Professor Merriman

WGN Radio's "The Sunday Spin" interviewed David Merriman, professor of public administration and economics, on the implication of the Illinois Supreme Court's decision protecting subsidized health care premiums as part of the state's pension plan.

Dick Simpson: Expert in the News

Dick Simpson, professor in the Department of Political Science and former Chicago alderman, frequently appears as a featured expert in news stories covering state and city government, politics and corruption.

LAS Alum Hugh Vondracek Awarded Phi Kappa Phi Scholarship

LAS alum Hugh Vondracek (Political Science, ’14) has been awarded a fellowship by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi—the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines.

NewsWorks Article Quotes Economics Professor David Merriman

NewsWorks, the website of Philadelphia public broadcaster WHYY, quotes David Merriman, professor of public administration and economics, on the tendency of higher cigarette taxes to drive sales to neighboring counties or states with…