UIC News: LAS Physics Professor David Hofman to Speak at 2014 Pint of Science Festival

UIC News reports that Professor and Head of the Department of Physics, David Hofman, was among a panel of UIC, Urbana-Champaign, Northwestern, and University of Chicago faculty speaking at the 2014 Pint of Science Festival.

The free event, hosted by Chicago-based iBIO, showcased urban planning expert Moira Zellner and physicist David Hofman.

“The idea of talking about science while drinking sounds pretty cool, I have to admit,” said Hofman, professor and head of physics.

The official title of Hofman’s presentation is “State of the Universe, Less Than a Second after the Big Bang." He will discuss his research with quark-gluon plasma, a substance that resembles the universe’s condition in its early stage of development.

“The plasma is made of the protons and neutrons that make up the elements we’re made of — carbon, oxygen, nitrogen,” he said.

The topic for Zellner, associate professor of urban planning and policy, is “Improving the Environment Doesn’t Take That Much …”

“I’m excited to share with people a different way of looking at the world, and that might give us hope about how to change it with small coordinated actions,” she said. “I’ll be showing one way in which we can figure out what actions we could take to change the world, and why they make sense.”

Hofman said he looks forward to hearing Peggy Mason, a U of C researcher who will discuss “What Rats Can Teach Us About Empathy,” and Urbana-Champaign agricultural sciences professor Stephen Moose, whose topic is “Party Genes-How Genetic Modifications Make the Drink.”

“Both of these are people I don’t know, but their research sounds interesting,” said Hofman. “And of course, I’m really looking forward to meeting anybody who comes and wants to talk about science.”

Source: UIC News’ Nicole Cardos