The New York Times Reports on Gender Equality Study Written by Sociology Professor and Student

The New York Times reports on a study co-authored by Barbara Risman, UIC professor of sociology and LAS distinguished professor, and William “Buddy” Scarborough, an IRRPP research assistant and doctoral candidate in sociology at UIC, that finds Americans have broad support for gender equality, but it is valued more at work than at home. “You can believe men and women have truly different natural tendencies and skills, that women are better nurturers and caretakers, and still believe women should have equal rights in the labor force,” Risman told the Times. “The biggest thing that characterizes millennials is they’re much more likely than other generations to feel that women and men should have equal opportunity in the work force and equal gender roles in the family,” Scarborough said.

Working Mother magazine interviewed Barbara Risman, UIC professor of sociology and LAS distinguished professor, about her co-authored study that finds Americans have broad support for gender equality, but it is valued more at work than at home. Also noted are the co-authors William “Buddy” Scarborough, an IRRPP research assistant and doctoral candidate in sociology at UIC, and UIC alumnus Ray Sin, a behavioral scientist at Morningstar.