Professor Lev Reyzin and others awarded $10 million 5-year NSF grant to establish Institute for Data, Econometrics, Algorithms and Learning (IDEAL)

A multidisciplinary team representing five Chicago-area university research centers will unite as part of a new data science institute backed by a five-year, $10 million grant from the National Science Foundation.

Professor of mathematics, statistics, and computer science Lev Reyzin is the principal investigator. UIC is the lead institution for this grant in partnership with the Illinois Institute of Technology, Northwestern University, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago and the University of Chicago. Other MSCS faculty involved are: co-PIs Will Perkins and Yichao Wu, and senior personnel: Yu Cheng, James Freitag, Marcus Michelen, Gyuri Turan, and Ping-Shou Zhong. The other two PIs at UIC are Natasha Devroye (ECE) and Elena Zheleva (CS). Read more at