How LAS Transformed Her Career Goals and Built Lasting Friendships

Interview with Dazalyn Heading link
Name: Dazalyn A. Moreno
Major: English- Professional Writing and Publishing
Minor: Art
Year in School: Senior/ Graduating in December of 2024
How did you choose your major/minor?
When I started here at UIC, I was initially a Psychology major. I was excited to study psychology, considering I’ve always been fascinated by science, and I wanted to become a doctor when I was little. After an entire year studying psych, I realized it ultimately wasn’t my path. I was distraught and upset that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I did; I struggled a bit with what I wanted to change my major to and realized I’ve always had a passion for writing. I was always surrounded by books, and the idea of working in a library or writing for days on end was ultimately what I wanted to do. So that leads me here to my major, and in the degree I will be graduating with; English.
You’re currently working on a research project, can you talk more about this? What is the subject matter?
This semester I am currently working on my independent research project titled Welcome Home: The History and Influence of Chicago House Music. I am a Chicago native, and as such I’ve always heard House music and even know electronic dance music is a huge part of my life. It wasn’t until a few years ago that the exact impact this genre of music had on the city and its people, including myself. My project is a way to give homage to house music and everything it’s done for its community and the city. Additionally, last semester I also worked on my thesis, From La Sierra to the Skylines: The Journey of La Familia Sanchez-Rogel, in which I got to interview my family members who immigrated from Mexico to the US when they were children. I got the opportunity to share their stories and keep my grandparent’s memories alive as they are now 80 years old. I am very grateful for having worked on both of these projects and having the opportunity to do so.
What resources or spaces have you connected with and found useful on campus?
Here on campus, the one resource I’ve found the most helpful and one I use the most is the Writing Center. Their space is always so warm and welcoming. It’s a good place not only to study but also to have my fellow peers help me gain a better perspective, edit, and understand many of the assignments and writing pieces I want to get done. I am so thankful or everyone there and the work they put into helping out each other.
Continued interview questions Heading link

How has your experience at LAS been impacted by the friendships you’ve made during your time here?
At the college of LAS, I have made some of my best friendships, including many student workers from the Writing Center and my best friend since childhood. I get to study, take classes, and hang out with them here on campus. LAS has allowed me to be my true self with my friends and to grow into the person I am today.
Are you a part of any clubs or groups on campus, and how has that impacted your experience as a student?
I am currently a student worker at the Daley Library in the Special Collections and University Archives department. That has not only helped me gain library work experience but also the staff I work with are so sweet and kind and are always so helpful with any questions I might have. They create a welcoming environment and have made my last semester here at UIC unforgettable.
What are your aspirations after graduation?
After graduation, I hope to pursue a master’s in Library and Informational Science. I am excited to see where the future takes me, hopefully, a library, and I am hopeful I will enjoy every step of the way. I am beyond grateful I will be able to call myself a UIC alumni.