Enhancing Student Success with LAS Resources

English student Liam Smith in black button down shirt on UIC's campus in the spring

Learn more about the positive impact LAS resources had on senior Liam Smith

Name: Liam Smith
Major: English, Concentration in Film, Media, Performance, and Pop Culture
Moving Image Arts
Year in School: Senior

Why did you choose UIC and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences?

I chose UIC and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences due to the Guaranteed Admissions Transfer program since it offered me the opportunity to earn a Bachelor’s degree with guided steps, reduced tuition cost, and a wide variety of courses, clubs, sports, and organizations.

How did you choose your major?

I chose an English major with a Film, Media, Performance, and Pop Culture concentration and a Moving Image Arts minor to develop further my understanding of English and film, leading to deeper knowledge and understanding of both subjects.

What has been your favorite class so far?

My favorite class is English 209 since I enjoyed thoroughly learning about English history from the 17th century to today through many profoundly engaging class lessons.

What resources have you connected with and found useful on campus?

I have connected with many UIC resources: my faculty fellow, Honors advisor, general advisor, major advisor, minor advisor, the Bookstore, and the Writing Center, which have all profoundly helped me grow.

Are you a part of any clubs or groups on campus, and how has that impacted your experience as a student?

I have participated in many organizations: Dean’s Advisory Board, Student Activities Board, Tennis Club, currently Swimming, and soon Choir. They have all positively impacted me, helping me with my leadership and personal skills.

What are your aspirations after graduation?

My aspirations after graduation are to take a gap year and then continue with a Master’s or PhD.

If you could give yourself one piece of advice during your freshman year, what would it be?

I would advise my freshman-year self to be more accepting.