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Major in Economics

Diverse students laughing together at table

Economics is the study of how to make money, make sense and make a difference, all at the same time.

Interested in understanding how the economy works and how different economic policies and decisions can impact individuals, businesses, and societies?  Then economics may be the major for you!

By studying economics, you will learn about the principles of micro and macroeconomics, as well as quantitative methods and economic history. You will analyze data and use economic models to understand the behavior of individuals, firms, and markets. You will also learn about various economic systems, such as capitalism and socialism, and the impact of government policies on the economy.

Graduates with economics degrees have a wide range of career options, such as financial analyst, statistician, consultant, business analyst, public policy analyst, economic researcher, market researcher, financial planner, investment analyst, international economist, and many more. They can work in the private sector, such as banks, investment firms, and consulting companies, or in the public sector, such as government agencies, international organizations, and non-profit organizations. They can also go on to pursue graduate-level studies in fields like finance, law, or public policy.

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